Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Somethin' somethin'.

 MIA for awhile. Had been extremely busy.

Things have been going on. And I'm not happy about it.

Christmas is near. Everyone is up and about. And I'm sick and busy and occupied.

I don't know what to expect next year. I not gonna let my guard down no matter what happen. Got all my strategies laid down and own 2011.

Charlie is looking good. Still cannot get over his looks. (Y)
I don't want to hang out in Perak for Christmas. Please?!

Heard from birds all over that you have a whole new life. Wonder who is the unfortunate person.

I wanna hangout too. But I'm down with fever and flu.

Dave Day's new song is good. :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

I feel masculine. :D

I got my master plan. But it has to be aborted my SOMEONE.

I really really want Sunnan. Gosh. Someone bring me to buy it please!

Current obsessions: VoiceLive Touch. If you come and tell you don't think it is cool, screw yourself. Seriously. Gonna get one when I'm in MI.

Tomorrow's new episode of Glee and I, for once, am watching it earlier than Ryan cause he is now nicely having a great time in Kuatan for PK Camp. I wish I was there. D:

TC-Helicon's products are to kill for.

Cruising down Beverly Hill, literally.

My plan is ruin. And I'm still pretty pissed.

I wanna go work. No kidd. 


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bigger than you think.

My Converse is on it's way! It's green so Imma die.

Things have been happening and I'm just gonna look past it.

Glee makes me smile. What else could?

This song has been in my head.

I see you driving around town with the boy I love, and I'm like forget you...-Glee Version.

You know? Cee Lo Green. Mastermind.

Stanley's wedding on Saturday. Dang.

Imma be praying for you. Hold on in there okay.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Your other clone...


Here's to the heart breakers...

I have been talking to a lot of people.

Ok, so today. Woke up to a sound of my loud-talking aunt, downstairs. I woke up, brush up and went downstairs to see not my aunt, but her DOG! He is so old now. In dog years, he is more than a century old. He is awesome. :D

Went to go pick up my spects. 

Did work and went out for pot bless and Jessica's house. It was ok. Food was good. Talked for a bit and went upstairs to at first play carrom but ended up re-watching Glee. Yeah.

Came back. Came online. Met Putri along the way. Talked to her about some girls stuff that we need to talk. I miss her or you if you are seeing this. Dear, we face the exact same thing. I will call you soon, dear. Just not today.

And now I'm talking to this two bimbos on Skype now STILL. Oh my gosh. It's so hard to talk to them. I'm gonna kill myself. It's so hard to talk to both Nelson and the one and only Canadian bimbo, Nathaniel. It's just so hard. Someone, stab me.


I want a Nike pull-over. ):

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In Your arms...

Own the skies, like the 4th of July...

Oh, a nice HDR effect is pure awesome.

I had been working on the video for Awards Night for long time. And FINALLY I'm done with it. I got it all watched, analyzed, cut and join, pasted and twitched and tuned and saved and now just waiting to be played and see what they think. Thank God. And yes, it is converted into HD. Wonder does it actually work.

Returning Mackie tomorrow. Dang. I will miss all the good times and bad times we had together. Wish I had my own.

GarageBand is the best thing ever. It's so good. Wait, I'm coming for you when I'm in college.

I have to do some brainstorming for what to wear on Awards Nights. Definitely no dress but I wanna nice tank top probably? And you would probably know how hard it is to get a nice gladiator slippers that fits perfectly when your feet is too small for anything nice slippers. I have to start hunting.

I wanna watch Harry Potter. Someone bring me please?!

I wanna get those one day contact lenses for Awards Night. Ish.

Jason, your lappie heats up really quickly you know. I burns my lap sometimes.

Dear you, I definitely miss us talking. I don't think it is worth not talking to each other when what you heard is clearly false. You don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out. Could you possibly believe what is said? And I don't think we deserve this punishment because of some asshole spreading rumors about me.
And you, if you will ever read this, I wanna just right something harsh here. But this is my blog and I don't wanna make it ugly. I would love to write it on your wall. But it would just contradict to my stand. But you are one cunning person. Do you know something small that entertained you has ruined two person? You don't know cause you don't care. And what did you say to people about me? At first I was so so 'nice' and we were like 'best friends' and right after that where did all of that go? It's really hilarious for what you did. Your foolishness just makes me laugh. Other people that doesn't know you laughs at what you did. I don't care of how bad you are cause it's really not that important to me, I just want you to know what you did is really cruel. Sheesh. What is wrong with you. Go get help, I'm serious. Think twice before you say anything.

Gotta call Amanda.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Harder than I thought.

I just came back from camp. It was different from what I expected. It was less scary but definitely way more demanding.

Kids were hard to deal with, which was good. God was testing my patience while I teach the kids about patience. I was there to kind of like babysit them but at the same time I was there to teach them too. The experience did help my confidence and my spontaneousness to get something in my head and also my tolerance towards kids. I never liked teaching kids that can never sit still, but of course, no kid would just stick their ass on the ground so that makes me a kid hater. I learn how to deal with hard core kids that just gets distracted and end up in fights and I learn to walk the talk. So the trip was actually beneficial to me. I had fun even though there was only 8 kids.

I'm sleep deprived. It's hard to get good sleep when the kids around you are always sugar-rushed even though the haven't eat anything.

I got this weird, uneven tan. But I'm pretty much satisfied.

Movie marathon, coming right up.

I'm gonna miss you, Mackie.

For the longest time, I finally heard his voice. And I melted right to the ground. :D

Video shooting tomorrow. Can't wait. Hope everything goes smoothly and I pray hard for good lighting. And gosh, yes, my video editting skills on dreadful iMovie. I need the tutorials. Dang.

I miss you, kids!! D:

Jaeson Ma's new song is good. :DD

Alaska is such an awesome place.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Somewhere in the Clouds

Something is watching over me like Sweet Serendipity...
Lee DeWyze

I'm back from my hiatus. I have been sick. It was pretty bad.

It started off on a nice visit to HELP college for a prep talk. Everything went well. We ate. They offered. Came back with this massive stomach ache. I was pretty sure my stomach was gonna fall out from all that twisting and churning and all those stunts my stomach is trying to pull off. But I had cream puffs and Mamee Monster but I was pretty sure it was from the food the college offered.

I felt like puking and purging all the time. And I did. I didn't sleep well cause I was busy waking up to purge. It all started to go away when I having fever and it was soaring sky high. I just came back from school so I took Panadol and planned to sleep. I swallowed it and right at that time I vomitted, together with the Panadol. So in a way I didn't take any medication or neither did I see the doctor. I'm awesome. After the vomitting I felt much better.

I still couldn't take large portions of food but I'm feeling fine. Nelson now is having his food poisoning from his Japanese meal he had on Sunday.

Eczema is stupid. I thought I was gonna get jabs for it. I was panicking for the whole two days of my weekends. But ended up, I didn't get it. -.-

I witness the freakiest accident ever. O.O

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The way things have been...

No matter what kind of difficult situation one may find oneself in, some opening, some opportunity to fight one's way out, can always be found. What's most important is to hold fast to hope, to face the future with courage. 

I'm just gonna cry. And don't stop.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Commemorate you.

I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today...

-Do you remember you said I was special?
-Do you remember that you were pretty sad when I told you I was coming to PJ to study?
-Do you remember when you told him to take care of me when I'm there?
-Do you remember that you're the second person of all my friends that I told about me liking Mr. X?
-Do you remember when Mr. X called you and ask you about it and you just fake that the reception was bad but put down the phone right before the second that you were gonna said my name to rescue me from a bad bad social life?
-Do you remember that you wanted me to be there when you bought your effects pedal?
-Do you remember the first time we talked?
-Do you remember the time you said you were going to pass me your red guitar?
-Do you remember when you would complain to be how awkward it was when you are in the same train as her?
-Do you remember when we would sit down and talk about girls?
-Do you remember when we could relate cause we have the same bunch of friends outside of school.
-Do you remember when I was there screaming for you on ISCF when I said I wouldn't do that or if you screw up?
-Do you remember when we would just get in trouble together?
-Do you remember that we would cuddle up and make The face when people said that we are together?
-Do you remember when we sat opposite each other for the longest time and never talk until end of the year?
-Do you remember the first time talking to you was when we were back in the centre after our weekly Wednesday 'pasar malam' trip?
-Do you remember that we were suppose to go out for Prince of Persia?

Well, I went back and read all the messages, from the first one you send when I first used this phone. And I realized that you have changed, so so much. I prefer the old you. I just don't know how to tell you. A lot of people have been telling me to fix it, but I don't know how. I think maybe it's cause you're my best friend? We have known each other long enough. But I still don't know what to say. So all I can do is type it out here. I'm still thinking of a solution but I miss you.

I've been pretty depressed lately. About Bob and all. I'm just gonna drown myself in happy things. Like looking at wedding pictures. Those totally cheer me up.

No Glee makes me grumpy. That rhymes huh? :)


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Details in between the lines...

 I wanna fall in love with you again...

Basketball tournament is tomorrow. God bless our restless soul. I'm so close to my death. Help.

I'm over and done with 10th grade science. Thank God that He brought me through all that havoc and I'm still sane.

I had fun today in school. It was quiet and nice cause all the guys are over at the basketball court and the school was so quiet I don't feel like sleeping. So today was just me and Ryan. Hanged out in the computer lab. Had lunch and break together. Rachel See is back from all that Thai she went through. And Sarah See has the coolest looking iPhone 4. Camera quality is superb. It's HDR. Gosh. I did work and Ryan had dance.

Pannu is bringing back my Canadian sweater. :D


I dread tomorrow. I hope sleep keeps suppress my fear.

Bluer skies is what I wish for.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nothing compared to it.

Somewhere inside here, I'm loving every bit of it.

Ok, my goal is to learn up Church rap. It's so long and I don't know who am I gonna avoid all those F words but I'll try my best. It's so longggg.

Mr. Kevin called today. I was at Old Town, PJ and he called me while I was enjoying my air-con in Watson's. I miss him so so so much. Wish he was back in school. :/

I emailed Mr. Gary Younger like 5 minutes ago. I don't know when he will see it and reply. I don't know whether he reads his emails on a Saturday morning in CA but I hope he reads and replies a.s.a.p. I'm on the verge of dying.

I wish I had my own bathroom. And not share it. D:

Should I eat? I'm really hungry.

I was searching for something and I came across this card that I'm gonna give to Bob. I totally forgot about it until today. I'm still on time ok.

I gotta wake up early cause I'm playing. Yay. -.-

Did you forget, that I was even alive?
Demi Lovato

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Everything of something.

If eyes could speak, one look would say everything...

If eyes could speak- Devon Werkheiser

So something happen and made me feel like not going for Birthday Bash. I was excited for it. And It happen and I would wanna miss it. I'd be happy if I missed it. I'd rather go for basketball than Birthday Bash.

Feeling like a fatty bom bom.

And I still want my own studio. Everyone I see has one. It's my turn to get one.
Devon Werkheiser is da' man. He is like a hot pie.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Look on God...

Who cares if you disagree, you are not me. Who made you king of anything...

King of Anything- Sara Bareilles

My week have been good. I did books. I did Math test. And I'm gonna be done with Grade 10  Science and coming into 11. Can't wait.

Had the wackiest dream ever and it has something to do with Jon Teh. :DD

And after that I had my drowsy pills for my eczema and I stopped dreaming. But yesterday night I didn't take it so I dreamed of someone scolding me for something that I didn't so. Some total stranger.

 I'm feeling really really hungry.

Dear you, I'm so pissed at you. You told me something you would do but you ended up not doing it. Sometimes I wonder why am I even friends with you.

My microphone suck.

Bob. :D 

Saturday, October 9, 2010


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein

So, I have been busy.

I have been failing my LA for the most time ever. Three times. That's a lot.  Pretty stupid book. It's all about people and the stuff they write. :(

I stayed up twice to talk to Nathaniel on Skype. He has no accent. Yet. But is 'yeah' word is becoming weirder and weirder. I love his Canadian home and his lovely Canadian sky and also Canadian tree and yes, his lovely Canadian balcony. :D

Generations of Virtue came yesterday. Not bad. Even though I'm hearing the same stuff from two years ago. Their kids are so so cute. Baby Michaella was playing with her ballerina-shaped silly bands when we were talking to her. Super cute.

Glee is still awesome. Can't wait till next week's episode.

And I just got to watch Toys Story 3. Pixar did a brilliant job again. :)

Cream puffs is ma' jam.

"Please don't pull out my teeth. When I smile I'm gonna look like an adult baby but with boobs." - from the great Britney S. Pears. :DDD

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am officially in love with the English accent. I have been watching Charlie McDonnell for the past week and he is so lovely and he turns me on. He made my list on the "PeopleIMustAndWantToMeetBeforeIDie."

I hate Skype. When I get it, it screws up my computer EVERY TIME I try to install it. It has been a number of times I've tried doing it but it failed terribly.

Someone has been like this very paranoid woman in school. Sheesh.

And Whale Wars is the best show ever. It's kind of like this real life video-ing of this bunch of people taking care of the sea and the creatures and one day stumbles upon this bunch of Japanese whalers and bla bla bla and politics are involved and bla bla bla. It's a really great show to watch. It is real life so it makes it awesome-er.

Watching Eleventh Hour now. It's just the starting but it looks good.

Jon ask me something and I hope I didn't tell him the wrong answer. The Ice Age came first or Stone Age? I told him the Ice Age came first. You know the answer? Tell me, please?!

Ok. Watching the show. And g'nite.

I'm still halfway through my Twenty Thousand League's under The Sea. And it's boring me so so much. It is nice at the beginning, not where I'm reading now. Dag.

I hate it when I'm asked about eczema on my arm. Someone told me when they think of me, the first thing that comes into their mind is my stupid eczema. It's like the only thing I am worth remembering of is that thing. And it sucks when that person is that person.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


My hormones are crazy.

Curse science.

I hate you and your stupid anger.

Having a great time looking at chicks with Tetsuo. Very weird but fun. :D

I'm feel like eating a lot of cream puffs with Ryan. I'm gonna marry cream puffs.

Bye. -.-

Sunday, September 12, 2010

All in one...

 I feel like dying.

I got my catalog from Gary Younger all the way from CA in my email. It's pretty cool. It's like he send me the whole book. I just have to use a comp to read it. I think it's better to print it out. Soon, soon.

Did quite a lot today. You are such an asshole and I hate you a lot.

I think the games on Fb are making Fb such a hard and suckier place to be in.

I love those houses that are being converted into a studio and I love being in a studio. My future kingdom.

I love CA.

I don't think I can do BA for vocals. I'm not eligible. I can only do an AA for it. Unless I start training right away. Which I don't think so I have time. Damn it! I'm putting my mind on doing a BA and there it goes. Stupid.

I really need to print out my catalog.

I can just be in YouTube and see my favorite subcribers sing all day. Like Tyler Ward and Megan Nicole and also CimBand. You can do the honors of digging out my vocal chords.

"Maybe this is our crazy, surreal love story." - showIforgotthename.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's us against the world.

 In His arms I feel protected, there's no place I'd rather be...-
Jonathan Butler

I feel very un-accomplish. That's why I hate the holidays. I haven't been doing enough work, oh yes, I have been doing work but not enough. I know I have been sleeping alot. I feel big and really fat.

I have been thinking about stuff and the consequences. I thank God I didn't do it. But I hate it cause it might turn out well.

Jillian is hot.

 I feel dull. I wanna go out.

I have been wasting my time by watching tons of MGM and WFW. Hahah. Both shows have the same front and back initials.

Eczema on my arms is getting worst. Help! It has this swell now that hurts alot when I bend my arm. D:

Going to MACEE tomorrow for a talk. Heh.

I'm getting abit despo for it.

Ciao. :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hey, how's it going? So, I have been MIA since forever.

Abby's party was beyond coolness. Can you imagine if it was her wedding dinner? She can fly us all to Alaska for it or something. It's crazy. But cool. I have lots of post-party goodies. YAY!

Had school on Wednesday. I miss PE. 

Had ISCF on Friday. It was ok. Had a great time on Ryan's iPod. We had to imagine Robert Hoffman, Michael Murray, Brianna, Courtney, and Twitch in front of us to enjoy it. Imma learn up Church's rap, Ry. YEAH!

Had to walk to the station. Went down to eat straight away. Ate and bonded with Raquel. It has been a long long time since we talked. We talked about 'him' and Mr. X. Gosh. I cannot remember the last time I ever typed out his name. Hahah. And after that I found out my phone was missing. I was gonna cry, I swear. I went nuts. I was shaking like crazy on the inside. I thought the world was gonna end. Until I called Ryan. He had my phone. And guess where he was when I called him? At home, yes, he was at home. He found some way to pass it to me through Hazel. No idea how he did that. I got my phone and hitched a ride with Hazel's along with my fellow idiots, David and Mike. 

I regretted the day I let David touch my phone. He was going through all my stuff inside my phone, Like hello, total privacy invasion. He wants me to let him see. I had to get it out from his  grip and it was crap hard. Hazel dropped us at the bridge and they ran for it. They ran up the stairs and over the bridge and right into the boy's toilet and read everything. Thank God I deleted the really important ones. They really did piss me off but I was holding it all in cause I swear I was gonna scream and slap at them in public. 

And I had to wait for Dad out in the heat and under the sun with his laptop exposed in my hand. Someone might slash my arm just to get it or something like that. I'm risking my precious like to hold that Lap. 

America. I promise I'm gonna come.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Licious. :D

Today is gonna be an adventure. Cleaning stuff up at home first. Right after that, Dad's gonna send me to the train station. Taking a train down to Midvalley and watching Step Up 3D with Nelson and Ryan and after that hang around Midvalley or Gardens while waiting for him to be done with his work. And later on for Abby's party! So exciting. :D

Have a great day!

Love in Hötorget...

I thank God for:

-Voice that makes you melt to the ground. Bruno Mars kills you brains cells when he sings.
-Cream puffs.
-My lovely password. :D
-Swimming pool.
-Train rides.
-Polaroid effects. Makes me die.
-America and their skies.
-Free downloading sites.
-Sugar and chocolate.
-Salmon Fish.
-Instant pasta.
-Dance shows.
-Wooden floors.
-Phone that plays music.
-People that contributes their wonderful pictures.
-A great Daddy that lives in my heart
-Friends that colors my everyday.

Bruno Mars is the sex. yeahhh.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Painting the wind...

Walking noodles are cooler than you think. ;D

I know that I'll be alright, as long as you are my God. My Love...

 Today was Carnival day and it was pretty fun. Even though all I did was just pumping helium into balloons and tying all the balloons and dealing with people that comes to annoy the heck outta us (me and Yunny).

My thumb hurts now. I can't even hold my phone to type a message someone without making it hurt. I have been tying balloons for the longest time ever. The skin on that hold my nails to my index finger tore. Those balloons are really high quality balloons. Owww...

So I woke up, brushed up, got dress and headed for the field. When we were at Wawasan, I went straight to look for Yunny. I was suppose to help her with the balloons for the opening ceremony but I think she came really really early and had tons of help cause when I was there, the balloons were all tied up. But those weren't the high quality balloons, they were the cheap, free ones. Help her did about 4 heart-shape balloons, had to gather and had P&W and message for a short while, had the balloon-cutting ceremony and we had to get to our stalls to get things ready.

All I know that is I touched tons of balloons today. I sold quite a number too. It was hard to sell it. I had to do the whole psychological thing with them. Had fours packets of popcorns and two cups of drinks is all I had for my whole morning and afternoon. And yes, not to forget the playing with helium gas thing. Everyone was high, inhaling too much helium. I have videos!! :D

Kids were crazy over balloons. me, Eunice and Amelia was taking the cheap balloons and writing our wishes and messages and releasing it into heaven and hope that it reaches God. I really was cool doing it. The skies was covered with colors. So yeah. My and Yunny played more helium and balloon-releasing.

Packed up, reached home, finished chores and slept like a bear.

Love perseveres.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Colors all around...

Alpha Kenny Body. My new favorite word. :D

How's it going?

School is same old, same old. I'm talking to Nat now and he's all the way in Canada. I hate you still, Nat. Better come back quick to give me my jacket!

Tomorrow is Carnival day. I'm in the helium balloon stall with Yunny, Josh, and Nicholas. And I promise Imma get a video of me and Yunny sucking onto helium and talk. There's gonna be tons of stalls. But Impact has three stalls. Something-something stall, something-something stall and the best thing ever, water dunking stall! I hope I get pics.

I really need money. 

Things happen. And I don't know whether is it good or bad. I really don't. I hope it is.

I love believing in after-life stuff. Even though it's not real and bad.


You know who is my cutie pie? Someone that doesn't know I exist. I don't even think he speaks English. But

My darling Prince Christian. I even love his name! He is so freakin' tiny, I bet the puppy's mom is bigger than him. Gosh, Imma die. And yes, he is a prince, prince of Denmark. I can burn my hair.

And another, 

So HOT he can bake cookies from his stare. :D

There you have it. The Love.
Chapped nails annoys me.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tear it up.

Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen. Hebrew11:1

So friday was ok.
Expected Matt. But he didn't turn up. Total ffk.

Went to school. Did my science test. I was pretty easy. I'm just afraid of silly mistakes.

Had break and went straight to Grace for practise. We reached there but we still couldn't use the sanctuary cause the other woman were using it. So we had to stay outside and 'bond' with Vickie, Josh and Paullyn.
Talked about everything to everthing.

Came it. Had practise. No comments on the practise.

Finished. Changed. Ate. Had ushers meeting and started. And my good and faithful body decided to give in and I had fever and I felt like vomiting so so badly. I could just vomit on stage while jumping. I felt really nauseous and also my head was spinning. It was just horrible. People came in and had ice breakers and P&W started. Felt much better on stage. Some songs was fine and some songs just died, I have to say. The built-up totally died.:D

Ps. James was speaking.  Finished. Had food. Jamie's mom fetch me, David and Mike to the train station. Ultra tired. I had to develop my pictures for DOE and David tagged along. It was an adventure, trying to figure out how to use the Kiosk machine. Haha. It tunred out well. Now, the only thing is to show it to Nelson. WHHEEEE!

Saturday was tiring.

Sunday was fine.

Happy Birthday, Milcahhhh! Love you like crappp!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Awesome hair :D

You think you're cooler than me...

My week was 'fine'.

Thank you, everyone. For your prayers and love. I love you guys all so much. I have to learn to stand up again after this. Thank you David, Jamie, Ryan for the cuppacakes. It really made my day. It made me not depressed too when I was. Milcah hates me for having cuppacakes in front of her.

I'm worried for the quality of my pictures for DOE. Thank God I have got back-ups.

I hate science more than math now. -.-

Someone I know knows everyone I know. Dontcha think that's really weird and freaky? The person knows everyone I know. Seriously, it's damn weird.

Jamie Ho. I really wanna run.

Someone noticed my existence. Great job. 

ISCF tomorrow! I'm co-leading with Kathryn and David. Imma die. Chosen generation is gonna flop to the ground.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Something bout' love...

 Don't wait for something big to occur. Start where you are, with what you have, and that will always lead you into something greater.-Mary Manin Morrissey

 I bought a green Scotch magic tape Donut Dispenser. It's so cool.

My friday was pretty nice.

I forgot what happen. All I know was Andrew came back. He got me this awesome Grammy Award trophy as a souvenir from Singapore. It's kinda from Matthew and him. It was really cool.
I had to stay back to transpose songs for next week's ISCF. Blame it on Dumbo David.

Took the train with David and Nelson. Nelson had to go to KLCC so he was coming along with us. Andrew's dad had to fetch us to the station. Instead of using plain old stairs, the two monkeys decided to climb up to the second floor. No, seriously, we had to literally climb. One single slip and you'll fall to your death. David was the clan leader. He started the whole thing. If we were caught on camera, we'll push him out first.

So he started to climb. Nelson had to hold his bag and pass it to him after he was on top. Next was Nelson and I was the last. I didn't believe I did all these stuff with them. It was really barbaric. So, we were walking towards the counter to get Nelson's ticket and David got instantly 'turned on' by this female promoter, with wings. He kept on looking back when we walked pass them 5 seconds later, at the ticket counter. He actually made me walk back with him to see how they look like. He wasn't convince till he saw them clearly. It was epic. Fail miserably. Got his chocolate milk. Met Josh and his team there. They were going for the worship retreat, didn't know why they were there. David was having his orgasms most of the time with his chocolate milk and he bought me doughnuts!

Had Impact CG photoshoot in church. 

And my friday in a blogpost.

Matthew Greant is coming down before he goes back to Belgium! Imma punch someone!

I want a divorce, Kathryn. ;D

And gosh, Rachel is leaving for Thailand. She's got a full scholarship to study in Garden's International. Crazay smart people. I'm sure gonna miss you, Rach! My Glee Buddy. I love you and will miss you dearly!

I wish I was there, for the worship retreat. D:

Thursday, August 5, 2010


 Deuteronomy 31:8 -The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

School was horrible today. 

I didn't enjoy it. 

My eyes are bulging like fishballs. I need sleep.

And David just HAD to oversleep in the bus today. Gosh.

It was like confession time in Resource 4 today, for me.

Thank you, Ms Catherine and Mr. Kevin, for hearing me out. Sometimes I don't need people to understand what I go through cause they just do not understand what I go through and would never experience it. All I need is someone to stop judging me and just listen and let me cry my guts out without laughing at me for doing it. I think its the only way I could let out my pain. I really really appreciate what you guys have done, for it is my first and last time doing that.

When would You deliver me?

Hit the sack.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


If you'll just realize what I've just realize...

Ok. I starts of last week.

I had Impact rally. Mah Panda Mamanda Amanda Lee camee! I was really excited. Cut the whole story short. It was cool. I had to bring Manda there early cause I was doing lightnings for them. She saw the whole thing, like how it was all put up and about. So it wasn't fun anymore, no more element of surprise. Lightning was like a beyond awesome. I was awesome I had to say. No, really. I was really good. Pshh!
You can say I'm wrong, but I think the main attraction of the night was Sheena and Lynette's performance. All three of them. They are fasdjbuchasfaihsdfa awesome. I think they could join the Glee cast without even going for auditions. Awesome awesome awesome.

Nathaniel left for Canada. I still hate you, Nat, if you ever see this.

And then, Lydia left for America. I hate you and love you at the same time.

Everyone is leaving. I think I should too...

And then,

Our accident. It's a really long story. I don't wanna make it really braggy.

Yesterday was fun.

I had carnival in my old school. Met a ton of people. Old and new. I saw my old English teacher. I miss her so much. You know, it was actually my first time, among all these people, I felt really lost and lonely and felt like crying. I felt really really insecure. Normally, I could navigate myself here and there. But no idea what happen then.
Ok. So I walked around the whole school compound 11 times. I counted. I was looking for a familiar face. Found some. But I had to look for people that I was more close to. Fail terribly. Hanged out at 5SC1's class. But I had to walk out cause there was no one there.

I saw old people like Jen, Gladys, Shazwin, Azureen, Atika, Mariyayee, and finally met HIM. My long lost perverted buddy, Mr. Pok Wai Kan. It was awkward but worth it.

All I know is that I wasted half of my day there. It was stupid.

Walked to Tirzah's friends out. Hang out there. Wanted to die cause I was tired and dirty.

Left for ISCF after like 2 hours there. We had to take the bus there. Rained in the middle.

And there I was laughing at David on stage while he screwed up. But it was great though. Great job done, Dave!

So yeah. Awesome Blossom.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

You still...

 "...And I'll be by your side, wherever you fall, in the dead of night, whenever you call. Please don't fight, these hands that are holding you..."

So, my bestie just arrived. And I'm having crazy wild moodswings. The worst days of the year. But its way way milder than Kingda Ka. *inside joke I made with Abigail.*
It's like one moment, I feel like crying, vomiting, sleeping, and screaming at the same time. I always feel like I'm big and pregnant. Fatigue moements. I'll get all cranky when I do a test and fail it.
Like now, I really feel like crying. Seriously. I really do.

Today, I had to take the train and the bus back with David. The boys wanted Rojak so we had to detour to get it. David was asking about bras while walking. I mean I have no idea what goes in his head, so I'd correct whatever that need to be corrected before something happens. David and Mike started the whole "Hey, I know you!" thing. Brandon almost blew his top in the train. He literally dragged Mike out of the train and into it again. Thank God no one was in the front half of the train.

Embarrassed. me more and walk all the way to the bus stop. Talked crap. David caught his bus before I could so I was pretty lonely. Reached home about 5.30.

ISCF tomorrow. I really need a break from studies. Have been putting in my effort and wanna take a break from it.

And right after that I have Rally rehearsal.

Bye. :D

Monday, July 19, 2010

US of A

So, my current obsessions are:
Pawn Shop.
US: The History of America.
Pete Souza
Bo the first dog.


Today, Ps. Henry's daughter, Christina came and talk to us about education in America. I was funny, seeing James reaction. He was turned on. And it was interactive, even though I had to pester my dumbo son, Ryan to ask her and he didn't. We also had to write letters, to ourselves. Its kinda like a time capsule to me. Ten years down the road you open up and read it and laugh cause you were young and didn't know any better. :D
So it flamed.

The Obsession.

MI and America.

Mr. Kevin is mean. He wants me to cry and bug at him and threaten him to give me MY socks. Geez.

Please don't mail my letter, Mr. Fan. PLEASE!

10th grade science, I love you and hate you at the same time.


Thursday, July 15, 2010


Eh dude. I still wonder what are you giving me ok, since you say it's something to die for.

Week has been fine. There was:
- Egg-napping.
- Egg breaking.
- Egg caring.
- Tearing.
-Test worrying.
- and eating.

I'm worrying for my LA test. I really need to scream.

I told Timothy and James I'm gonna marry Cobus. Yes. Just you wait and see.

Oh yeah. It's Daddy's birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDYYYYY!! I love you gallon and gallons. Thank you for everything. If you would line up with all the other Dads in the world, you'd still be the first and only one I pick. Pray that God bless you and keep you.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Funkay Monkay

Hi. How's it going?

Week had been fine. I miraculously passed my Language Arts! And note: I did it on a book. Not SOS. So Imma rare breed yo!

ISCF was nice. I spend so much time experimenting on Josh's flashgun. It was cool. And it was my first time seeing a wide-angle.
And I had to walk all the way to the LRT with Mike and David. It was horrible. They kept saying hi to strangers and they weren't responding to it. I was uber embarrass by what they were doing. Malaysians weren't saying hi, but foreigners were smiling and saying hi back. I mean it's kinda true. Malaysians are very impolite. Train ride was a blast even though people was starring while the two buffoons were making so much noise saying "Hey! I know you!".

Random Notes:

You! You're sucha hater! I hate you. And I thought you were nice.

I found my skinnies in the wash the other day. I literally screamed. It will be my first and last mistake I will ever make. I forgot to handwash it as I always do with my skinnies. I soaked it there overnight and Mom threw it down the wash. Forgive me, Dorothy Perkins!

KevJumba is love.

Watch him. And its like a must.
Wish there's winter here.

Seriously, I actually thought you were nice. Bum bum.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Give up the funk, gotta have that funk...

 In need my Glee Season 2. Big time. Please come.

I finally saw someone uglier than Tyson Ritter. But I still hate him, Jamie!

Stuff has been happening in school. 

First of all, David cammeee!

Second, there was Nathaniel's farewell. He is off to Canada. Lucky kid. That day was pretty cool. Polaroid shots was made with lomo color strips. Tested here and there. So, it was pretty productive day. Orange is not the best choice for a polaroid shot. It looks like you're drowning in pee.

Third, Kor called. It was weird yet I was fake laughing cause I didn't wanna make it sound awkward. But it was cool though.

And then, there was Jon Cheong's farewell. I didn't get to eat the cake though. 

And  new kids came today. Wasn't weird and silent, which is good. Met new faces.

 And thank you Hazel, for teaching me LA. 

I hate you LA! Stupid.

Wasted my time in the hall today with Ryan and David. GROW SOME BALLS DAVID! <3

Friday tomorrow. Chapel. -.-

When it seems all that tempting to get...

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Pictures of you, pictures of me
Remind us all of what we used to be.

 Service tomorrow! :D

Thursday, June 24, 2010

All it is...

"Music can change the world, because music changes people" - Bono, U2
ISCF's tomorrow. Worried for our drummer. He needs a head check, no! More of a attitude check. Even the noobs know more than him. Please work wonders tomorrow and help him pull it off, God.

David is coming. I can't keep in the excitement.

Told "my" story to Jamie and half of it to Tetsuo.

Me and Ryan could imagine the young Mr. Nick in the science lab. HAHA! That was hilarious.
I lost my yellow guitar pick in Grace sanctuary. It's my favorite. D:


Saturday, June 19, 2010


I can't wait.



Mega Glee.


Fun Fact of the Day: Do you know that Jane Lynch in deaf in the right ear? Hehh.

Fine dining with JIMMERS was nice. Had a great time walking around Taylors. Acted like noobs around the 24/4 library. Overall, thumbs up! 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Smile :)


All I want to do now is rob someone and get to Midvalley and buy everything Canon has to offer.

Kevin is hot.

Dear you, you have skills and I like you. Wanna own a company together?

Someone buy me please! I'm halfway across the book.

Feeling like watching Step Up 2 with someone who understands what I feel. RYAN!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My God.

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.

That effect people, is crazy hard to get. I have been reading tons of camera technics mags and it's like 1 full hour of exposure.

If Milcah would be a Glee Club coach, she would be the worst. 


Over and out.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I think they should declare today a public holiday cause it's Kevin McHale's BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYY! I love you, Kevin Mchale. I don't think he will ever see this but still, I love you so much! Argh! You. Are. HOT.

So, I was on MSN with Jamie. And she was telling me all her juicy secrets. I just couldn't be more happy for her. Got really excited while in the process of talking to her. Twits = Tits?

I hate 10th grade science.

I love Kevin Mchale. <3

When is season 2 coming out?

Thursday, June 10, 2010


 Glee smoothies. :D

Hey people. Here again to revive my dead blog. You know what, I'm just gonna close this up cause I'm so bored of telling everyone what I do. Hmm. Should I?

Kevin McHale is so hot I could rape him.


Who is going for canteen day?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Always forgive your enemies-nothing annoys them that much.


Steven (somthing) I forgot how to spell his back name but I know it sounds abit like Jeez..So its like,  "Steven! Jeez" heh..came to school today to give us a talk about US studies. I was just annoyed all the way cause the volume was really soft and I was struggling to here what he has got to say. But no one noticed that. I wanted to walk to the console to push the volume louder but I didn't dare. I was OCD-ing.

And SOMEONE gave me that stare today that also annoyed me cause I was wearing the same colored thing I'm not saying anything, just in case that person reads my blog as hers. Ish.

People change. Yeah.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

 How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? -Albert Einstein

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


 The symbol of hard work and labor. Took the longest time to get this perfect. I still think its weird.

*Cheese* I'm back. I'm just lazy like I always am. I have been reading, like alot. And I'm bored.

Can someone teach me to operate my LightRoom.

Aunty, are you seriously sticking to your word? Or are you just being an aunty by saying all these things and using a DSLR to threaten me? 

Ta! I getting bored. Off to the books.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Domino's are cool, like the one we did at Sarah's place.

I don't have the slightest idea how to use my Lightroom. Uncle Robert, tutor me please!

I'm back. After the long long break from anti-social-ing.

Events came and passed. Sarah's party and Field Trip day.

First of all, Sarah's party was awesome I have to say. I was the nicest thing after a long long time of living in my same-old same-old boring life.

Field Trip was sucky. "People" wasn't coopearting which gets me on my nerves cause they have to also contribute to the report and they know it. They have to read like tons of stuff but they think they are so great by not even showing their face there and sad, hardworking people like me, Esther, Keiff, Sean, Beatrice and Allison have to do all the searching and reading and understanding and taking down pictures.

Please, someone, I need help in my Lightroom. Or else I'll die.

I want YOU so badly. Everyone is having you, but not me.

My stitches will be out tomorrow! WHOOHOO!

Mom bought Mozzarella. :D

Pics will be up lah. I just have to find ways to locate it somewhere in my Lightroom. Hmm.

I feel fat. Wanna run?

PE. Heheehehehehe.*does the Darwin laugh*


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


People. Don't even look forward to talking to me for about two days. No, I don't hate you, but my gums are SERIOUSLY  killing me. Like really.

If you call me now, all you can hear is mmmmmmmmm. Cause I'm still bitting on to the cotton gauge cause it's still bleeding like crap. I've change over like 7 of them. And in there there is a double layer. Which means two. So its 14. Wah.

Went to the dentist today. I had to extract out the tooth that is giving me the problems. Cause it will cause a fortune to to keep that tooth and get the inside of the gums done. It was a crazy experiance. I told the dentist I was freaking out when it comes to the injection. And thank God for all the lame inventions like numbing cream so I can't feel the jab. It was nothing. Thank God! She told me that there will be feeling of knocking on the tooth, but it was totally more than that. The tooth came out after much of the pushing. It was about an inch long. Tons of blood came shooting out and it was just gross. They said the whole was super huge. And there was this freak of a pus in there. Dad saw it and said it was like greenish-yellow color. She popped the pus and sew my wound up with black thread. 

The anesthetic is slowly going off now and it hurts alot. My head is throbbing. I can't ANYTHING! Except for cold, soft stuff. The only thing I have in mind is milk. I can't really brush my teeth. I can't afford  to get the bristles to get stuck in the stitches. I'd rather die. It's super painful.

I can't wait till I can talk and eat again. 


I hope picture will be up.

Byemm Byemm.

...Love remains the same...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



I'm bored. Everyone is at my place while I'm typing this out. Dad's old classmate. With their kids.  The house is really noisy. The only one here that you'll know is Jeremy and Shavonne.And plus Tirzah's friends. The only one in the group I know and talk to is Pei Sze a.k.a Dung Dung a.k.a Pink Hello Kitty pin. Haha.

 You wanna poke chickens?

Cause I know I want tooooooo!

I need money. I wanna try for the fun fact. I really need money. Ang Pow's abit miserable this year.

Doo doo. I've been on my post for almost an hour now. I wanna go up and catch up with my DD fatty aunty. 

Drama,oh drama. I love you at times, but I hate you when my friends are involve in it.

I'm bored. 

Like really bored.

Facebook is getting boring-er and boring-er by the day.

I want my own DSLR to play with.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

2 in1

Even the cockroaches knows how to enjoy CNY cum Valentines. Saw this when I was getting the laundry soaked. 

My gum is killing me. The darn painkiller that never works. I'm already freaking about my parent's decision about the gum treatment thingy. The only thing I'm afraid of is the anesthetic needle. Really. I'm scared.

I miss my PDA. It's hasn;t been fixed since that day I told Dad to get it fixed 4 years ago. D:

Dance Flick is so lame. 

Tetsuo's Sherlock Holmes went cacat. 

Anyways, Happy cny and Valentine's!

Dedicate the "So What-Pink" to Mr. X.  Haha. I think it suits what I'm feeling now.

...I'ma need a better reason
To write you
A love song

Friday, February 12, 2010


And taadaa! This is an illustration of my dear tooth. Cut the whole story short, I found out after 17 years that I have this huge hole at the end of my tooth. It's a birth defect. It is suppose to close when you're about 9. But I'm 17 and it's widely exposed. Normally people at around age 12 will detect the problem. And yeah, I found about it today which means it started hurting like on Monday. And it was killing me. They say its like infected and I have to go a specialist to like get this (super canggih name yet really freaky) RCT a.k.a Root Canal Treatment. Sounds really painful right. I was going to cry when I heard this. They did a new temporary filling and after CNY I'll get a new permanent filling which I'm happy about.
I wanna kong. bye. Ask Justine about the rest of the story lah k.
Or come ask me k. I'll be cooler to tell you about it myself.