Friday, February 12, 2010


And taadaa! This is an illustration of my dear tooth. Cut the whole story short, I found out after 17 years that I have this huge hole at the end of my tooth. It's a birth defect. It is suppose to close when you're about 9. But I'm 17 and it's widely exposed. Normally people at around age 12 will detect the problem. And yeah, I found about it today which means it started hurting like on Monday. And it was killing me. They say its like infected and I have to go a specialist to like get this (super canggih name yet really freaky) RCT a.k.a Root Canal Treatment. Sounds really painful right. I was going to cry when I heard this. They did a new temporary filling and after CNY I'll get a new permanent filling which I'm happy about.
I wanna kong. bye. Ask Justine about the rest of the story lah k.
Or come ask me k. I'll be cooler to tell you about it myself.

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