Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a little...

Being strong doesn't make you a man.

 HELLO THERE! Haha. I'm going all Charlie.

I haven't been here for the longest time. Have been setting my priorities right. So I'm cutting down on my internet time a lot cause I wanna get outta hellhole as soon as possible.

School as been same-old same-old. Highlight of the week was when new instruments came in. The one that made me really really happy was NEW hi-hat came in! I was the second one to jam on it. Felt good. Still not perfect but sounds wayy better. A new bass and a new bass amp came in. New electric guitar and new electric guitar amp came in too. And yes, I comes with cables!  Very happy about that. Now we have 3 and a half working cables. The half one only works on my guitar. I doesn't work on the school guitar. So fail still.

Launched the first ISCF of the year yesterday. People came in. Was playing with my awesome pawsome worship team. My guitar sounded very very hot.  One thing I learned : God only helps the people that wants to be helped. :)

I wanna blow some bubbles with some awesome people! Who's up?

My phones ENTER button crashed. Looked up at some website and the keypad spare part is 150 bucks!!!! Gosh. Stupid phone.

Started searching up colleges already. Not fun at all. Some sites just PISS ME OFF! They're so hard to use. Everything is all over the place. Ish.

Do you know that, you just need cash to enter into Berklee College of Music? No SATs required. GPA in high school doesn't need to be very high. Everthing just has to be a C and above. Owh Mai Gorsh! I mean if if you got the scholarship is a bonus. Just need skills, that's all.

I'm now gonna download my Photoshop CS5 now.

See ya the next time. When I have time, I mean.
