Friday, October 2, 2009


Gosh. You can probably see those pimples now cause the stress on me is great. You just have no idea what I'm was talking about huh? Thursday and today(which is Friday) totally sucked for me. Thursday was when it all started. I began stressing out on like SLE. Crazyness. And then yeah, it was school and I found out something that I wish I'd never knew but still thankful that I found out before it was too late. You guys don't have to know ok. I bet you guys will start asking me in school and all. I ain't tellin! HAH! I was like a huge huge stab right in the middle of the heart. Its not even a stab. It's like slicing yourself open without an Anastatic. It is gonna leave a huge huge scar. And the pain kills you slowly. Let you die in your own misery and pain. Even a stab is like a quicker way of dying. It's gonna leave a huge huge scar. I cried and thank God no one noticed. (I'm telling now cause everyone knows about today right.) It's like another Mr. B case. It was dumb ok. Fine! I admit! You call me dumb no and trust me, I don't mind cause I really was. I like a stupid bum bum. I can't believe again, I fell into that same old trap and don't learn anything from it. And then about school. OMG, its really temperamental.(my new vocab for the week) You guys don't have to invade my privacy right?

And then here comes Friday which was even more moodswingy. It was like I cried my butt off. DON'T ASK! Today was rally really bad. I totally broke down. Everyone has been asking me about me and how am I. I said like a kejilion times of "I'm fine, seriously.*smile*" I mean if you guys are asking me this then you guys should know by then that I'm ssssoo not fine right? Gosh. Did math test. Was late for music practice. I mean I was like so smart to stay at my seat to make the red-ness from the crying and all go away. I was like slowly checking my answer again and again and again. And then after that play with Dominic's magnetic Bible. Mr. Kevin was just making me all 'better' by asking me again and again, "what happen. Tell me. Don't say you're fine caue I kknow you are not" I mean hello, I would make me cry even more right? Whats with everyone!? And then after practice, went down for lunch. And I know that I was fine until Ryan and Hazel comes by and make it more emotional. I cried, again, in the mother's room. I just can't keep it in. Stupid. Went out. Saw Mr Kevin along the way and he again was asking me was I fine. And then I cried AGAIN! Went to the toilet to cleaned up and brushed up for abit. I looked like crap so Hazel has to eat with me in the stairway, in case you people didn't know where was I. It made me felt much better you know. Talked about mustard and pickles and Subway and came Naomi to chat and Charmaine and Justine and then Bee and then few Hi's and Bye's and I was all good. Went back up. Got some lecturing from Jon. ISCF started. It wen well. Had the group thingy.

And then FINALLY, it was sports. Volleyball was it. I had fun. Even though I was abit rusty. Can't serve the ball after the line. Mis Eunice had to give grace. I can serve before the line. But still. I want to serve after the line. Snap. Played for quite awhile. Then the other team played with the guys. Me and Quels was busy struggling with Wee Yen's bike. And then I was home. My gosh. So stressful!

Introducing my new Mr.X. Super Mac 18!! So hot!! Hah David L, this time my new Mr. X is not FAT!!!!!

The video that kept me entertained. I mean, even though he could be weird at times but he still makes me melt to the core. Not you anymore, ex-Mr.X. huh!

Don't you just love him! I know I do! Bye!

And isn't he good or what?

...I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me

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