I'm back with more photos.
Continued from yesterday's picture posting.

His pie pie. You get me right? There's a pie in the pie. So all in all, it's call a PIE!! Yay!

Paullyn doing math. Right in front of Mr. Nick. Is she trying to let Mr. Nick she is like hardworking or is she trying to give him heart attack but the work she is doing? There's a motive. We'll never know!!

Wee Yen giving his speech.

And it seems like everyone on the table is enjoying it.

Ryan and Vickie having fun at the side. Watching it happen.

Mr Nick reading the card they gave him.

The cloudy yet sunny day after school.

Me and Quels in the tennis court. Watching them playing tcoukball while we were tanning under sun.

Sanitizing my hand with my bluey gooey hand sanitizer.


Doing that stupid retarded Ryan Smile! Hahah! I love camwhoring! <3

Cheese and crackers.
Goodnight! Bye! I'll have more on the dissection.
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