Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ey! So how was your Christmas? Mine totally suck. One of the worst ones ever.

It all started on a christmas eve. Woke up early early in the morning and went to the immigration department. Had to renew the passport. Reached there and gosh, the line was bad. We had to wait for at least 250 people to pass until it was our turn. The wait was crazy. And the ventilation was just really bad. We had to get the documents out and leave! Came after an hour, it was still a long wait. Walked around the really rundowned place. I mean if its in a really nice mall than I don't mind the wait at all. But why oh why, must it be in a really dark and rundowned place? Came back up and we just had to wait. I was watching the TV that shows nothing but ads. I can remember what ad comes next. It was our turn and was told to go back and get the old passport to renew it. Its some complicating process. Mom rushed home and got the old ones and we had to wait, again. Came back and got back on to the machine process thingy again. Went back down and ate KFC. Walked over to SACC mall. Walked. Saw tons of stuff. Wasn't in the mood to walk cause Dad told me something that made me super depressed. I was trying to mourn over the lost of the iPod. Ish! Went back. I would scream if they're not done. Its was almost 6pm. Had to wait for awhile and the new passport came out. It so unfair! The people who came later than us actually went home earlier. Stupid right? Went back to SACC mall. Bought Big Apple doughnuts. The main event of the day. Haha. =D We bought the 12 in one box which means I had tons of them to munch on.

Followed Dad home. We were there for almost 11 freaking hours. Came back and did the laundry with Tirzah and digged into the doughnuts. Went online for awhile, bathe and headed for church. The church was packed. Saw some old faces. Didn't see some.
Crammed at the back of the sanctuary. Performance was funny. The "old" aunty was doing their line dancing thing. It was obvious when Pastor Sue did something wrong. Well, it was surprising to see her dance. The Impact-ers had something on too. Something really surprising was Christopher was dancing. Of all people. Which was really funny. Tirzah told me he danced cause its his last chance to do it before going to Australia.

Went back to the Manna Hall with Jade after that. Talked. Camwhored. Took pics. I found out that now, Hannah's got her own Canon D500. What is happening to the world?!?! All the people younger than me are getting a DSLR. D: I need oneeee!

We back into the sanctuary after it all. Went down to attack the luk luk for supper. The luk luk was limitless. It just poured out. And its heaven for people like me, Samuel and Baby Jeremy. Baby Jeremy LOVES fishballs and he was really behaving himself to get more. So cute! Samuel was attacking the si ham and no one eats those cause they are gross. The place went crazy. There are tons of those yucky oily stuff which lotsa people were eating. And there are a truck full of thong sui. I was across the street, out of the smoke and the oil, enjoying the luk luk with Jade and Charis. Kenny came by, Samuel with his mouthful of si ham came by and yes, of course, the walking chick magnet. Literally chick magnet even old chich magnet a.k.a Brandon Tham came by. Pastor Dennis was up to his usual business, kacau-ing people like me. The evening was fun.

Was on the way home and those super sweet messages came flooding in. David Low was the first. So awesome right? Ryan called me up when I was replying. The funniest that really really made my night all that brighter was the unexpected call from Li Szhen. She called my Dad's number, thought it was mine, and screamed "Happy Birthday!" in my Dad's ear. I was laughing my lungs out when she told me that. So cute. Mom didn't know what to get me and just gave me 100 bucks and told me to get what I want. I told her I was going for the skinnies!!!!!!! YAY! I can't wait. *Do the victory dance*

Christmas morning was nothing. Its like any other day. Opened the pressie. I love the gift Jade got me. "Pink is the new green..." Haha. I was laughing when I saw it. And it was like normal, in fact I got my daily lecture from Mom. Which totally suck.

Went to Aunty Betty's place. Had some Christmas reunion lunch. And right after when I was feeding Barry with the chicken wing, Sallyn called. Heh! I miss you so much, Sal. Thanks for the call! You're awesome!! Have to go yam cha together with our DD family sometime later k!? =D
Came back and continue eating my food. I eventually got fed up peeling the rock hard chicken wing, and just threw it on the floor and he just came and eat it up. I should do that earlier right? -.-

And then, the most beautiful thing in the room caught my attention. It's a Canon D50. And it belongs to Michelle. I didn't like using it cause it was a zoom lens. Which really ruins indoor pictures. But there's only one lens that time. Lightning in the house was really dim, so I shot the ISO up. It still didn't work. Exposure didn't help still. I could only live on flash that time. Which was sad. Wish I can steal that camera home even though its not like a D500. But whatever, I'm such a despo.

Came back and slept the whole day. And the saddest thing was I had Maggi Mee on my birthday. Can you image? Maggi Mee on my sweet sixteen. I guess that the reason I don't look forward to my birthday.

Let's go random!

Sai Kit called the other night. It was so freaking awkward.

I've got tons of dedications to dooooooooooo!

In the afternoon, all of a sudden, I was missing the egg that is sticked on the roof of GRC Klang. Gosh. I'm reliving that awesome day. Haha. Renee!!!

I've got my future all planned out. And I'll show you that I'm more independent than youuuuuuu!

 I'm coming for you darling! See Ry? Isn't it such a babe?


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