Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hey people. Currently stuck at home. Doing on a stupid research. In front of the comp. Dying a slow death. My reason was Daddy's car was in a really bad condition today. It wasn't that bad yesterday. It went through surgery this afternoon. I think it will last until the new car arrive in a few days. Daddy's got a new car and it is really sleek. Oh cheese and crackers. It's gonna be a Camry. But the worst version in all the three versions. 2.0E. Blek.

I think there is no more Mr. X for now. It's all gone. Faded away. I let it go for some particular reason that you guys don't have to know. So all I have is now those memories left in my mind. But I can say that I was really good. I don't know whats gonna happen but all I know for now is no more Mr. X. See what happens.

I'll definately miss those times......


...I'm not missing,
I'm not missing you..

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