This is one of the nicest Friday I had. I usually like Fridays but this one was really special, in a way. First of all, I was crap late to school cause Daddy has to do some stuff in JPJ. I waited in the car for freaking 45 minutes. I was hot. Thank God for the wonderful invention of radios.Late late late. After that was the usual stuff. Work and work and more work. Did that stupid magnetic field experiment. I have to draw it. I was never a drawing person. And then it was prayer meeting. We were suppose to PRAY in a PRAYER meeting but instead we had a partay for Lyd. That retard fan blew the candles out before Lydia can. Ran downstairs again for my camera. I ran from the music room which is the nearest entrance but I can't go in. So I have to use the longer way. I came up and guess what? They went down. =.=
Celebrated with the Uth hall people and we also celebrated Teachers Day on the same day too. We had like 3 cakes in a day. Two cakes for Lyd and one cake for the teachers. All the calories added to those big thighs. Conveniently, Wee Yen smudge cake on her face and her hair smell like cake for the whole day. We kinda didn't have prayer and we were even late for lunch. And then we kinda got carried away, talking and having lunch with Sarah. Thats what you get when you sit with her. :D No offence though.
Late for music practise. It's like any other music practise. Kelvin will be fooling around and Keiffer will be making noise. Jon will be coming in and out and mistakes will be make by me and my bass. Tons of tuning will be done and girls will be jumping on the piano and show off individual talents until the crowd starts to fill the hall.
Thank God I didn't really make any serious mistakes. Kelvin did some really obvious ones. But it turn out not that bad. Pastor Gurmit Singh was sharing. And we all had a blast. One thing he shared that hit me was about the dam thing. After chapel, ran downstairs to get my bag and Mr Nick brief me through my stupid drawing cause it was wrong. I came up to go home and I saw everyone crowding outside. Nothing came into my mind until Raquel pull me aside and told me another suprise will be gvien to Lydia. Jon will be on top with a huge bucket of water and the rest with bads of flour. Mom was already waiting so to make the whole thing faster i went it and told her one supervisor needs her.
Me: LYDIA! One supvisor at the door need your help!
Me: Nooo! I'm serious! He needs you.
I was suppose to walk with her further down the corridor and run away but instead I push her on the corridor and make her walk. Jon's aiming was bad. The target didn't get wet but instead he watered the grass. =.=
The shock on her face was so nice and the Wee Yen and the few others attacked her with flour. It look like we were going to bake her. Literally covered with flour, she was a star and everyone wanted to snap a picture with her. It was hilarious.
I wrote something for you Lyds. I wanted to post it but I still have to do some changes here and there. That's why I ask you whether you read my blog or not. So hope ya like it when you read it.
Went for Impact at night. Luke came at we chatted like so much. Decorated the Father's Day certs. One of them I made was on the theme of red and green. Just like Christmas. And I know. It's not christmas, it's father's day. But it's like so cute! And then we played the Truth game again but this time was a with the whole Froggies. Chloe had some really nice stories to tell. Which involves she and this guy. Really cool. We totally told him off. Cheese. That was good.
So all in all. My Friday was a blast.
And dear Mr. X. You are just so insensitive. Ugh!
It has been one week since something happen, and I miss it.
You people are just weird. And you people said that teens are unpredictable. Sheesh.
Sarah: I wanna thank everyone for being there for me. Bla bla bla.
Yunny: *talks in the mind* Ahh..I wish I could be just like her...
Bye ya guys.
Thanks Quel-ster for the movies!
AND AND AND!! Happy birthday Mr. Kevin!!!
...Keep your eyes, locked in mine,
let the music be your guide...
let the music be your guide...
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