Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm still alive.

Hey people. This post is totally ruin. Blame daddy's laptop that automaticlly deleted my photos. Ish!! You know this post is not exactly the date it is. It's the 7th of march now. I'll just let the photos talk k!!

*I hate my photos being deleted. Automaticlly. Daddy's laptop, revenge is MINE!!! Muahahahahah!!!*

Thank God I'm not dead. It's already the third month of the year and I can't stand it anymore.

53 books down within 12 months, babeh!!

I didn't know we had flowers in church.

I still remember those times we always wastes this stickers for the visitors. They don't actually use this stickers even though there is a pile of them waiting to be used. We will stick those stickers all over our shirt and body and claim that we are visitors..hahah..memories..

Everyone was so excited because Mr. Enoch was here. You have GOT to check him out.Oh goodness. Try going to I think it's something like that. You know, if you put a guy with skills + nominated for two Grammy awards= pure awesome. We kinda had a free concert. People in the States are dying just to have their hands on the tickets. So it was really cool. Sorry people, you have to tilt you head.

When I first heard he was coming and His name is Enoch, me and Yunny was like laughing our heads off cause there is a guy in school who is sitting beside me named Enoch. I and Yunny was imagining if it were to be the Enoch from school. It would be HILARIOUS!! hahaha!!

See?? Even my cutie pie, Jeremy and my other cutie pie Joel are all hyped up about Enoch! Aren't they cute?? They are both cousins. XD

I was bored, ok.

When he get his hands on that piano, he just got so crazy. Very very violent. *scary

The crowd x2.

boredom. That what the title said. I cam-whore my legs to make me not bored.

Even Milcah is bored. Emo-ing on the table.hahaha..I was joking. She was so fasinated by the grill that can be open, she spend her whole afternoon there.

The spider I caught.

You see, emo!

I can't belief I'm saying this but I LOVE TO CAM WHORE!! When I'm bored lah...heh!

Goodbye, people!
Over and out!

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