Own the skies, like the 4th of July...
Oh, a nice HDR effect is pure awesome.
I had been working on the video for Awards Night for long time. And FINALLY I'm done with it. I got it all watched, analyzed, cut and join, pasted and twitched and tuned and saved and now just waiting to be played and see what they think. Thank God. And yes, it is converted into HD. Wonder does it actually work.
Returning Mackie tomorrow. Dang. I will miss all the good times and bad times we had together. Wish I had my own.
GarageBand is the best thing ever. It's so good. Wait, I'm coming for you when I'm in college.
I have to do some brainstorming for what to wear on Awards Nights. Definitely no dress but I wanna nice tank top probably? And you would probably know how hard it is to get a nice gladiator slippers that fits perfectly when your feet is too small for anything nice slippers. I have to start hunting.
I wanna watch Harry Potter. Someone bring me please?!
I wanna get those one day contact lenses for Awards Night. Ish.
Jason, your lappie heats up really quickly you know. I burns my lap sometimes.
Dear you, I definitely miss us talking. I don't think it is worth not talking to each other when what you heard is clearly false. You don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out. Could you possibly believe what is said? And I don't think we deserve this punishment because of some asshole spreading rumors about me.
And you, if you will ever read this, I wanna just right something harsh here. But this is my blog and I don't wanna make it ugly. I would love to write it on your wall. But it would just contradict to my stand. But you are one cunning person. Do you know something small that entertained you has ruined two person? You don't know cause you don't care. And what did you say to people about me? At first I was so so 'nice' and we were like 'best friends' and right after that where did all of that go? It's really hilarious for what you did. Your foolishness just makes me laugh. Other people that doesn't know you laughs at what you did. I don't care of how bad you are cause it's really not that important to me, I just want you to know what you did is really cruel. Sheesh. What is wrong with you. Go get help, I'm serious. Think twice before you say anything.
Gotta call Amanda.