I am officially in love with the English accent. I have been watching Charlie McDonnell for the past week and he is so lovely and he turns me on. He made my list on the "PeopleIMustAndWantToMeetBeforeIDie."
I hate Skype. When I get it, it screws up my computer EVERY TIME I try to install it. It has been a number of times I've tried doing it but it failed terribly.
Someone has been like this very paranoid woman in school. Sheesh.
And Whale Wars is the best show ever. It's kind of like this real life video-ing of this bunch of people taking care of the sea and the creatures and one day stumbles upon this bunch of Japanese whalers and bla bla bla and politics are involved and bla bla bla. It's a really great show to watch. It is real life so it makes it awesome-er.
Watching Eleventh Hour now. It's just the starting but it looks good.
Jon ask me something and I hope I didn't tell him the wrong answer. The Ice Age came first or Stone Age? I told him the Ice Age came first. You know the answer? Tell me, please?!
Ok. Watching the show. And g'nite.
I'm still halfway through my Twenty Thousand League's under The Sea. And it's boring me so so much. It is nice at the beginning, not where I'm reading now. Dag.
I hate it when I'm asked about eczema on my arm. Someone told me when they think of me, the first thing that comes into their mind is my stupid eczema. It's like the only thing I am worth remembering of is that thing. And it sucks when that person is that person.