Monday, July 19, 2010

US of A

So, my current obsessions are:
Pawn Shop.
US: The History of America.
Pete Souza
Bo the first dog.


Today, Ps. Henry's daughter, Christina came and talk to us about education in America. I was funny, seeing James reaction. He was turned on. And it was interactive, even though I had to pester my dumbo son, Ryan to ask her and he didn't. We also had to write letters, to ourselves. Its kinda like a time capsule to me. Ten years down the road you open up and read it and laugh cause you were young and didn't know any better. :D
So it flamed.

The Obsession.

MI and America.

Mr. Kevin is mean. He wants me to cry and bug at him and threaten him to give me MY socks. Geez.

Please don't mail my letter, Mr. Fan. PLEASE!

10th grade science, I love you and hate you at the same time.


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